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Benchmarking putting green organic matter in Eastern PA

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Best Management Practices Handbook

To read and download the "Best Management Practices for Pennsylvania Golf Courses" please click on the link provided below. This handbook was made available through funds donated by all the chapters through the Pennsylvania Allied GCSA. Thank you!


Pocono Turfgrass Association

Pocono Turfgrass Association

Membership in the Pocono GCSA is open to any individual directly involved in the turfg industry. Golf course superintendents, assistants, employees of members, manufacturers, distributors, educators, turf maintenance professionals, turfgrass students, and specialists are all welcome. Membership classifications are assigned according to the Pocono GCSA By-Laws.

Membership Information

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  • Equipment & Job Postings

    We Offer Free Equipment and Job Postings to all members of the PTGA, so please contact us to submit your listing today. Also, please remember to notify us when you would like your listing removed.

    Pocono Turfgrass Association
    309 Terrace Ave
    Harding PA 18643